What’s the Deal with Omegas?

What’s the Deal with Omegas? There is a lot of hype around Omegas, which are fatty acids found in foods we consume, but did you know, not all Omegas are created equal? Often we hear about Omega-3s which are found in salmon, walnuts and flaxseeds. This is just one part of the equation though. Americans…

Be a Hopeful Romantic

Be a Hopeful Romantic   As I was thinking about what to focus on in this month’s blog, it was obvious that February reminds many of us of Valentine’s Day. While some feel it’s a “Hallmark holiday” and we should be expressing our love to loved ones every day, do we think about expressing love…

Happy at Work Podcast

MENTAL HEALTH & EMPLOYEE BURNOUT PREVENTION How do you talk about Mental Health in the workplace? What can you do as 1) an individual 2) as a manager and 3) as a company to protect mental health and prevent burnout? We’ll answer questions like this in this podcast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjz1bMy9aIc

Gratitude Amidst Grief

Gratitude Amidst Grief I don’t watch the news. I was “one of those people” who decided there was too much negativity and bias that it brought me down. You see, I’m an empath, which means I’m highly attuned to the feelings and emotions of those around me. I take on other people’s pain, I cry…

Is Anxiety a Good Thing?

Is Anxiety a Good Thing? May is Mental Health Awareness month. According to The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), “anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concern in the United States. Over 40 million adults in the U.S. (19.1%) have an anxiety disorder.”   Recently we did a Linkedin poll that showed 81%…

Do You Have a Potty Mouth?

Do You Have a Potty Mouth? As kids, we were taught we had a “potty mouth” if we said a bad word. Isn’t it interesting though how as adults, we’re allowed to say whatever we want, especially to ourselves? When we are rude or inconsiderate to others this comes with consequences, but what about when…