All About Me in 2023
When you read the title of this blog, what was the first thing that went through your mind? Perhaps it was “All about me? Well that sounds selfish…”
We tend to be conditioned to look out for kids, family, friends and significant others, and often put their needs before our own. While this may be expected, is it serving your best interest? Do you wake up feeling energized to start the day, happy to show up at work and fulfilled by the time you clock out? If the answer is “yes” then great. If not, perhaps it’s time you start re-evaluating your priorities.
First off, what does “All About Me in 2023” mean?
It means this year, you will lead with your own needs before thinking about others. We are our biggest advocates, and often, the only ones in control of our happiness, stress and other emotional factors affecting our well-being. It means you will work on being unapologetic for prioritizing yourself, because if you don’t show up for yourself, how can you effectively show up for others?
How to Prioritize Yourself in 2023
1. Set personalized, realistic boundaries
If you like to work until 7pm, don’t force yourself to shut down at 5pm. Start by making a note of the things that bring stress or discomfort throughout the day. This will vary person to person so it’s important to look at things affecting your mood, as opposed to what others say and do. Some things may not be in your control (i.e.- particular work responsibilities) so focus on things you have the ability to change.
2. Watch your self-talk
Being kind with how you talk to yourself is essential to being happy. If you are verbally beating yourself up for not getting things done or not being good at x,y,z, you are getting in your own way of happiness. While you may not be the expert at everything you want, try focusing on the things you are good at. When was the last time you said “I nailed that presentation” or “I just made that employee’s day?” We are our toughest critics, so often the message to ourselves becomes “I know I did x, but I didn’t do y.” Let yourself absorb all the effort & value you bring to the organization and compliment the Boss that you are.
3. Say no to things not serving you in your life
How many social events, networkings, business associations, etc. are you participating in? Are they all worth your time and energy? Start opting out of the things that are taking up space mentally and not adding value to your life. In turn, this will free up time for you to participate in more things (either personally or professionally) that bring you joy.
4. Do a meetings audit
One of the biggest complaints I hear from corporate workers is that there are too many meetings! Is your calendar jam packed, leaving you little room to do actual tasks? Take a look at your calendar. Are there meetings that don’t require your attendance, or that you can start delegating? If you identify with being a perfectionist you may feel like you “need” to be at every meeting and your subordinates can’t do what you do. I invite you to challenge this and truly ask yourself- “Am I able to sit this one out?” You will start to feel liberated and less stressed because this will free up time for you to get in your zone and complete other projects.