Webinars can be purchased a la carte and run on the frequency and time of day of the company’s choosing.
A la carte webinars are customizable by the client. DAILY DOSETM works with each client to schedule the topics of their choosing.
Each a la carte webinar is $1,000 per webinar with no minimum.
The webinars are approximately 30 minutes each, performed live and also recorded for those unable to attend live. Custom webinars include attendance reports.
Sample topics include:
- Understanding Stress & Ways to Combat it
- Being More Mindful in the Workplace
- Decluttering (physically, digitally and mentally)
- How to Feng Shui your Home Office
- Herbs for Health
- Traveling Well: How to keep healthy during travel
- Intro to CBD
- Immunity Boosting Foods
- How to Setup a Budget
- Using Acupressure as a Natural At-home Remedy
- Cooking Demos
- & More